How should we view various religions and their beliefs that may appear contradictory at times? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us so that we may spread harmony in our lives and in the society.
Each religion defines God within the limits it demarcates and then claims to have grasped Him. Like the seven blind men who spoke of the elephant as a pillar, a fan, a rope or a wall, because they contacted but a part and could not comprehend the entire animal, so too, religions speak of a part and assert that their vision is full and total. Each religion forgets that God is all forms and all names, all attributes and all assertions. The religion of humanity is the sum and substance of all these partial faiths; for, there is only one religion and that is the ‘Religion of Love’. The various limbs of the elephant that seemed separate and distinct to the eyeless seekers of its truth were all fostered and activated by one single stream of blood; the various religions and faiths that feel separate and distinct are all fostered by one single stream of love.
– Divine Discourse, Jun 19, 1974.