As we observe the auspicious occasion of Muharram, what is it that we must keep in mind and foster? Bhagawan lovingly expounds to us today.
In Persian, ‘Islam’ means ‘surrender or peace’. The inner meaning of this term is that man should surrender to God and live in peace with his fellow men. The holy book of Islam, the Quran, contains many sacred precepts. Salat is one such precept. It enjoins one to worship God with steady faith. Another precept is Zakat, which urges the believer to practice charity for relieving fellow beings who are in need or distress. In the scriptures of the Bharatiyas too, a similar duty has been laid down in the saying: Paropakaraya Punyaya Papaya Para Peedanam (It is meritorious to help others and it is sinful to cause harm to others). But forgetting this fundamental truth, the followers of each faith raised barriers based on credal differences which were really verbal and not fundamental. Today various kinds of differences are arising among religions. This is not a good thing. Everyone should base their life on the divinely ordained morals and verities and endeavour to foster them.
– Divine Discourse, Jul 23, 1989.