How can we make this human life shine? Bhagawan lovingly gives us His precious message.

by sssgc-srilanka

How can we make this human life shine? Bhagawan lovingly gives us His precious message.

Man today has forgotten his true Self and is getting carried away by illusion. What is the reason? A small example to illustrate this. Pure gold shines brilliantly and has a very high value. However, when it gets alloyed with metals like silver, copper, brass, etc., it loses not only its identity but also its value. Similarly, man, who can be compared to pure gold, has lost his true identity and also his value as his mind is polluted with worldly thoughts and unsacred feelings. Man today cannot be called a human being in the strict sense of the term. He has lost his humanness because of bad thoughts and bad company. What man needs to cultivate today is the value of the ever-brilliant and effulgent Self. Human values cannot be acquired from outside. They are innate and inborn. Man is gifted with love, but he has highly adulterated it with selfishness and self-interest. He should cultivate selfless love. Only then will his life shine brilliantly.

– Divine Discourse, Mar 12, 1999.

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