How should the instruments of the mind, intellect and senses be controlled to win the grace of God? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.
The mind, intellect, and senses are ever bent towards exterior objects; they are perpetually turned outward! When some sound from the external world strikes it, the ear hears it. As soon as the ear hears it, the eye sees it. When the eye sees it, the mind desires it. Immediately, the intellect approves the idea and sets to acquire it as quickly as possible. Thus, every sense runs after external objects one after another, one supporting another, restless and miserable. One must bring the mind, reasoning faculty, and senses under control, for they roam aimlessly after objective pleasures. One must train them to take on the task of concentrating all attention on the glory and majesty of God to follow one systematic course of one-pointed discipline. Bring them all and lead them towards the higher path. They must be educated by repetition of the Name (japa), meditation (dhyana), good works, or dedicatory and elevating activity that purifies.
– Bhagavatha Vahini, Ch 31.