Many of us are part of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations or involved in activities in Bhagawan’s name.

by sssgc-srilanka
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Many of us are part of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations or involved in activities in Bhagawan’s name. But what is His expectation from these organisations and institutions? Bhagawan clearly reminds us!

The organisations named after Me are not to be used for publicising My name, or creating a new cult around My worship. They must try to spread interest in japam (recitation of God’s Name), dhyanam (meditation) and other sadhanas (spiritual practices), which lead man Godward; they must demonstrate the joy derivable from bhajan (devotional group singing) and Namasmarana (remembering God’s Name), and the peace that one can draw from satsang (good company). They must render service to the helpless, the sick, the distressed, the illiterate and the needy. Their selfless service (Seva) should not be exhibitionistic; it must seek no reward, not even gratitude or thanks from the recipients. Seva is Sadhana, not a pastime of the rich and well placed. Each one must realise his own truth. That is the purpose of all the teaching, all the curing, all the counseling, all the organising, and all the advising that I do.

– Divine Discourse, Feb 23, 1968.

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