What is Bhagawan’s advice to young men and women who enter family life? Let us hear it in His sweet words today.
Learn to adjust your likes and dislikes to those of others in your family; learn the gentle art of sacrifice and service. Bear in mind, when you react angrily against your mother-in-law, that a day will come when you too will have a daughter-in-law!
Try to appreciate their points of view; they may have greater forethought, greater experience, and a greater sense of responsibility; they may know more about people and things than you, who are fresh entrants in the household.
The family whom you marry is a good training ground; it is a field of spiritual practice. When you are found at fault, do not fly into a rage. Instead, examine your own conduct and discover the faults in yourselves. Self-examination is the first step to self-improvement and peace.
Do not exaggerate the faults of others, but give them a wide margin and see them as small. Exaggerate yours; see them big and strive to remove them fast. Take all fault finders as your friends and well-wishers, for they give you warning signals in time.
– Divine Discourse, Sep 12, 1963.