What is the biggest blessing of our lives and how should we profit from it?
All hearts are His Property, it is all His Domain. But just as the aristocrat sits only on a clean spot, though the entire area may be his, the Lord will install Himself only if the heart is cleansed. The Lord has said, “Where my devotees sing of Me, there I install Myself, Narada.” I must tell you that you are luckier than men of previous generations. The accumulated merit of many previous births must have granted you this luck. You have got Me, and it is your duty now to develop this relationship that you have achieved by sheer good fortune. Plantains and mangos are kept in straw or dried grass while they are still green. Or at times they are kept in a closed room so that the heat may make them ripe and tasty. Meditation on God gives you too the right temperature to ripen yourselves and become sweet and tasty.
– Divine Discourse, Sep 27, 1960.