What is the foremost teaching of Lord Rama that we must recall on this holy Sri Rama Navami day and practice throughout our life? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
The foremost teaching of Rama was that one should follow Satya (Truth). Taking Satya as the basis, one should sustain and promote Dharma (righteousness). Dharma is not confined to any particular place or country; it is present in all. It is born out of Satya. In fact, Dharma cannot exist without Satya. What is Dharma? Dharayati iti dharma (that which sustains is Dharma). Some people wrongly limit Dharma to mere feeding of the poor or acts of charity. Dharma should flow from one’s own heart. Then, it should be put into practice. Do as you say. That is man’s foremost duty. There should be perfect harmony between one’s words and actions. On the other hand, if one says one thing and does something contrary to it, it connotes adharma (unrighteousness). You are entitled to be called a human being only when your thoughts, words and deeds are in harmony. Rama achieved unity of thought, word and deed. In contrast, Ravana’s thoughts, words and deeds were at variance with each other.
– Divine Discourse, Apr 07, 2006.