What is the key aspect in Sadhana, that every aspirant must diligently practice?

by sssgc-srilanka

What is the key aspect in Sadhana, that every aspirant must diligently practice? Bhagawan poignantly reminds us today.


Imagine with what concentration Arjuna heard Gita? His concentration was as steady as that of the cowherd girls who listened to the Message of the Flute in Brindavan. Arjuna forgot the opposing armies, his own hatreds and enthusiasm for war, and became immersed in the teaching he secured. If you develop that one-pointedness in your own particular ‘battlefields’, you can also listen to the Bhagavad Gita or the Sathya Sai Gita, that is intended for you! The Gita was spoken to remove delusion caused by ignorance, and it succeeded in removing it as far as Arjuna was concerned. Others, like Sanjaya and Dhritarashtra, who also heard it did not benefit, because they were still bound by their own particular brand of ignorance. Many read the Gita, but few benefit. You must have Arjuna’s dispassion and Arjuna’s one-pointedness to derive profit from the Gita. A pure heart and a firm disposition of mind are essential.

– Divine Discourse, Sep 27, 1960.

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