What is the purpose of living? What should we receive from the Lord and share with one and all?

by sssgc-srilanka
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What is the purpose of living? What should we receive from the Lord and share with one and all? Bhagawan lovingly and sweetly explains to us today!

The purpose of ‘living’ is to achieve ‘living in God’. Everyone is entitled to that consecration and consummation. You are the Truth; don’t lose faith and don’t belittle yourselves. You are Divine, however often you slide from humanity to animality or even lower. Cultivate Love; share that love with all. How can you give one person less and another more, when they are both the same as you? If you forget the basic Divinity, hatred sprouts and envy raises its hood. See Atma in all. Then Love will sprout and peace will descend like dew! You are prema-swarupas (embodiments of love). You have been sitting here since hours, in the open, putting up with great discomfort, awaiting Me, eager to hear Me and see Me. I am speaking to you from this dais, only to satisfy that ardour. When I sense your prema; I feel I must share it and allow you to experience My prema! That is the best of all communications and communions. The mediation of words is then unnecessary!

– Divine Discourse, Jul 04, 1968.

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