As many in India celebrate the arrival of spring festival and worship the Sun-God today, what lessons can we take home?

by sssgc-srilanka
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As many in India celebrate the arrival of spring festival and worship the Sun-God today, what lessons can we take home? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

The Sun, in entering on its northward journey, hailed the Himalayas in the north as the beauteous abode of Lord Shiva. The heart should be regarded as the abode of the Lord and the vision should be turned to experience the Divine. The human heart itself symbolises the Himalayas as the abode of purity and peace. The Sun’s northward journey is a pointer to the path man should take to realise God. The Sun is the supreme example of selfless and tireless service. The world cannot survive without the Sun. Life on earth is possible only because of the Sun. The Sun teaches man the lesson of humble devotion to duty, without any conceit. The Sun is the supreme example for everyone that one should do one’s duty with devotion and dedication. Doing one’s duty is the greatest Yoga, as pointed out by Krishna in the Gita. Let your actions and thoughts be good. You will then experience the Bliss Divine.

– Divine Discourse, Jan 15, 1992.

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