As we all resume our pilgrimages to Prasanthi and other holy places, what are the important points we have to keep in mind?

by sssgc-srilanka

As we all resume our pilgrimages to Prasanthi and other holy places, what are the important points we have to keep in mind? Bhagawan lovingly explains so that we may benefit from such pilgrimages.

When you reach a holy place, entertain only holy thoughts. On seeing a doctor, you remember your illness; when you see a lawyer, you wish to consult him on some problem of property or personal spite; when you see a temple, you are reminded of the Force that animates the Universe. Your travel should be not for amusement but for using your discrimination (not vinoda-prayana but viveka-prayana). Do not use such pilgrimages for going on picnics; do not seek to purchase vessels and clothes and rarities in the shops of the towns you visit; pay attention more to the need for filling your minds with holy experiences over which you can ruminate after returning to the quiet of your home. When you are in a holy place (kshetra), think of the divine dweller of the place (Kshetrajna). Again, do not get involved with the bad traits that may be found in the places to which you go. Seek the company of the good, and move in the midst of the sacred and the sanctifying. That is what you came so far for.

– Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1962.

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