As we near Bhagawan’s Aradhana Day, what is the reality about Divinity, and our relationship with Divinity that we must contemplate?

by sssgc-srilanka
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As we near Bhagawan’s Aradhana Day, what is the reality about Divinity, and our relationship with Divinity that we must contemplate? Bhagawan Himself lovingly guides us today.


Air mixes with air, fire mixes with fire, water mixes with water easily; similarly, God is the very form of Light. Become Light yourself. You will become one with the cosmic light.

God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God, you have to give up identification with the body. When you are always attached to body, how can you realise the Atma, the Cosmic Principle?

Concentrate on the Atma. Only then will your conscience merge with the cosmic consciousness. This unification is called Sayujya (mergence with the Divine). Ekatma Sarvabhutantaratma – The same Atma dwells in all beings. There is only One, but it has been attributed by different names and forms. Only One exists. Zero gains value when one precedes it. World, life, sun, moon, sky, and everything else is zero. Only One is the hero, and that is Divinity. Man, who is inherently Divine, becomes zero if he forgets God.

Embodiments of Love! God is not separate from you. You are God. Enquire and understand this truth. If the whole life is spent in research and experiments, when are you going to practice? Individuals may differ in names, forms, and attitudes, but the Atma remains unchanged.

– Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1998.

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