How must our love for God manifest itself in our everyday life? Bhagawan sweetly explains to us today.
Love is vital. Love is divine. To render an act fit to be offered to God and pure enough to win His grace, it must manifest love. The brighter the manifestation, the nearer you are to God. Love is not affected or modified by considerations of caste, creed, or religion; it cannot be tarnished by envy, malice or hate. Preserve Love from being poisoned by these evils; endeavour to cultivate hatred-less, distinction-free feelings. The root of all religions, the substance of all scriptures, the rendezvous of all roads, the inspiration of all individuals is the principle of love. It is the firmest foundation for man’s mission in Life. It is the light that ensures world peace and world prosperity. Fill every word of yours with love, fill every act of yours with love. The word that emerges from your tongue shall not stab like a knife, wound like arrows, or hit like a hammer. It must be a foundation of sweet nectar, a counsel of wisdom, a soft path of blossoms; it must shower peace and joy.
– Divine Discourse, Jul 29, 1969.