If we are keen on liberation, what should we assiduously practice and why?

by sssgc-srilanka
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If we are keen on liberation, what should we assiduously practice and why? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

Self-effort, discrimination (viveka), intense spiritual practice (tapas) – these qualify people for the highest status. Without purity of the inner instruments, no person, however high their caste, can reach the Highest. If inferior copper is added to gold, the alloy loses value. Just as pure gold becomes an alloy through contact with copper, the Universal Form gets the inferior ego added to it in this ocean of worldly existence. The Universal becomes transformed into the individual soul. Now, what has to be done to get back the real gold Principle? Through intense spiritual practice and vows, and through polishing and cleansing the intellect (buddhi), the original stage must be regained. You wash your feet after walking through the mire; your mind also must be washed of the mire of attachment to objects. Only spiritual wisdom can burn the seeds of attachment so that they may not sprout again. So, a person with the treasure of spiritual wisdom gets liberated easily.

– Prasnothara Vahini, Ch 14.

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