What is the important lesson we must learn from Hanuman’s loving service to Lord Rama? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.
“Manava seva is Madhava seva” – service of man is service of God. But, when? When you feel in the depth of your heart that the person whom we serve is a wave of the same sea from which you derive your individuality, your taste, name and form. I have called you as ‘Volunteers’ to give you an opportunity to practice this Sadhana of Madhava seva through Manava seva. Don’t, therefore, take this as a new authority conferred on you, or as a burden that has landed on your shoulders. Acceptance of the Will of God has its own advantage; it yields rich fruits! Hanuman didn’t become conceited when Rama selected him for the crucial southward search and when Rama gave into his custody the ring to be given to Sita (assuring him in the process that he would certainly succeed in discovering her); nor was he affected by fear, at the tremendous responsibility that was heaped on him! He just accepted what was given; he was neither happy nor unhappy. He felt that Rama, the Lord, knows all and so his duty was only to obey!
– Divine Discourse, Nov 22, 1967
When you approach God and seek his help and guidance, you have taken the first step to save yourself. You are then led to accept His will as your own. Thus you achieve peace. – BABA
What is the important lesson we must learn from Hanuman’s loving service to Lord Rama?
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