What is the most effective drug to cure the rage of desire from within?  Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today!

by sssgc-srilanka

What is the most effective drug to cure the rage of desire from within?  Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today!

You must have contentment, whatever be the gain or loss! This is essential. Contentment grants and increases happiness. For the contented mind, life is an endless festival, but the mind worried by desire will have no rest. With desire troubling you, concentration is impossible. Desire is the fire in your frame; it reduces you to ashes. Contentment is the effective drug to destroy it. Just as a bath in the cool waters of a stream refreshes a traveller who is exhausted and perspiring in the burning heat of the day, the one suffering from the scorching fire of greed will be refreshed by the pellucid waters of contentment! One should have desire only for the path of realisation. One should not dedicate one’s life for the mean desires of the world. Dedicate all to the Lord; that is genuine contentment. That is the result of the acquisition of peace of mind (shanti), joy (santosha), and discrimination (vicharana). Then, direct visualization of the Lord (sakshatkara) is also possible!

– Dhyana Vahini, Ch 10.

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