What is the state of society we are witnessing around us in the present times and how can we make amends?

by sssgc-srilanka

What is the state of society we are witnessing around us in the present times and how can we make amends? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us of the problem and also gives the solution.

Educated persons do not seem to have any regard for moral values. They have no gratitude for those who helped them in times of need. They have no consideration for their kith and kin and do not hesitate to inflict harm on them. Students who have gone through many years of higher education are reported to have behaved in an unworthy manner. Educated young men and women do not behave like cultured human beings after a few months of married life. Many lead miserable lives. What is the value of an education which does not enable a man to do his duty to his wife and children? The first requisite is the elimination of the bad qualities prevailing among educated persons. They must return to the path of morality and right conduct. Many educated persons neither have fear of sin nor love of God. Everyone should, therefore, embark upon getting rid of their own bad traits and implanting divine qualities. Man should realise the Divine within. For this, the path of pure love is the best way!

– Divine Discourse, Apr 02, 1984.

Life is a journey from “I” to “We” to “He”. Live in Love. – BABA

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