What is the true learning that can confer happiness and joy

by sssgc-srilanka
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What is the true learning that can confer happiness and joy? Bhagawan explains to us emphatically today.

We feel that the people of our country will be happy if we only provide them with food, clothing and housing. We feel that they are suffering because they have not got these things in an adequate measure. That is an illusion, for, contentment and happiness are attributes of the mind. The mind must be trained to achieve peace and acquire joy. Without such a mind, man is helpless even under the most affluent circumstances. A person may be strong, and charming; but when he has lost his eyesight, he loses joy. There are many countries at the very peak of material civilization and are very proud about the heights which they have reached. But, have they acquired mental peace? Have they got rid of fear or hate, greed or pride? Of course, there must be a certain degree of comfort for man, physical and mental. But, gaining the things that give comfort should not be the aim of living.

– Divine Discourse, Nov 06, 1967.

If you are a slave of desire, you are the slave of the world. If you have conquered desire, the world will be at your feet. –  BABA

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