What is to be considered a gift of God to each and every one of us and how should we benefit from it?

by sssgc-srilanka

What is to be considered a gift of God to each and every one of us and how should we benefit from it? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

Man should realise that all pleasures derived from submission to the senses are momentary and leave a trail of suffering behind. He should realise that the senses are to be utilised for sacred purposes and for the practice of human values. Only then he will understand the true purpose of human existence.

The senses are gifted by God for humans to lead ideal lives. See good, think good thoughts, speak sweet words and listen to what is good. Be good and do good. The ancient Indian Sages practised silence as a spiritual discipline because they realised the myriad benefits derived from Mounam (silence).

Swami Vivekananda learnt a valuable lesson when he found that after ten days of endless talk, he had forgotten all the shlokas (verses) he had learnt by heart. By practising complete silence for a fortnight he got back his memory powers.

People should realise that God’s grace is secured by the sacred use of the senses endowed on man by the Divine.

– Divine Discourse, Oct 06, 1997.

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