Why is being born a human special and what is the leap we must all aspire and prepare for? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.
Man is endowed with the capacity to separate himself from his body, his senses, his mind and intelligence. He feels and says, “My eyes, my ears, my feet, my hands, my mind, my reason, etc”. He knows, deep down in his consciousness, that he is apart from all these; that he is their user, owner and master. No animal feels itself different from the body; for them, they are the body. They do not know that they are occupants of the physical frames. Man can, by a simple exercise in silent reasoning, discover that the physical frame is unreal and temporary. Once free from undue attachment to the body and its accessories, he is liberated also from the pulls of joy-grief, good-bad, pleasure-pain, etc. Then man discovers that the world is one kin, in God; that all is Joy, Love, and Bliss. He realises that he himself is all this apparent world, that all the multifarious manifestations are the fantasies of the Divine Will, which is his own reality. This expansion of one’s individuality to cover the ends of the Universe is the highest leap of man.
– Divine Discourse, Dec 18, 1966.