Why should we intensely practice remembering the Lord’s sweet name intensely?

by sssgc-srilanka
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Why should we intensely practice remembering the Lord’s sweet name intensely? Bhagawan lovingly inspires us, so that we may truly attain what we are entitled to!

God’s Name is as the effulgence of the rising Sun that scatters the darkness of delusion; it is as luminous, as universal, and as sacred. Don’t misuse that sacred name even for a second. Don’t let even a second pass without bringing that name to mind. Remember, the sweetness of that name when repeated by Prahlada overpowered the hearts of the demons who heard him; children of the demons repeated the name along with Prahlada, and, led by him, they began to sing and dance with joy, arming themselves with axes to defend their leader! The name of the Lord, which can transform the demonic character and purify it into nectar, is verily the heaven of peace for the world. To repeat that name without break, to love that form and that name with intensity, deserves to be called devotion. Devotion means the highest, and purest love directed toward the Lord. Anyone can attain this devotion. The door of the yoga of devotion is open to all. The only passport needed is the desire for liberation. That desire entitles everyone to their heritage!

– Prasanthi Vahini, Ch 26.

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