With the Divine Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, new sophisticated, state-of-the-art medical equipment worth approx. Rs. 5 crores were commissioned at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield, Bengaluru.
Sri RJ Rathnakar (Managing Trustee, SSSCT) along with Dr Sundaresh Dabir (Director, SSSIHMS, WFD) inaugurated the equipment in the presence of senior consultants and other hospital staff members this morning.
Sri Rathnakar along with Dr. Sundaresh inspected the equipment installed in Neurosurgery, Cardiac Surgery and Cardiology Operating Rooms, Cathlabs, Intensive Care Units and Coronary Care Units. The operating consultant doctors briefed about the purpose and usage of the equipment.
After surveying the classrooms for Nursing Students inside the hospital, the team then visited the construction site of the new Nursing College building for Allied Health Sciences.
SSSCT has been continuously striving to ensure the delivery of quality health care to the poor and needy while keeping in pace with the new emerging technologies so that even the impoverished are never deprived of the benefits of modern advanced medical services.
The following equipment was installed this morning @ SSSIHMS, WFD.
1. Advanced Patient Monitoring Systems for Cardiac and Neuro Operating Rooms and ICUs. A total of 28 monitors were procured to provide advanced patient monitoring capabilities from Nihon Kohden, Japan.
2. Advanced ventilators -10 numbers from GE Healthcare and Maquet.
3. CUSA (Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator) from Soering is a very critical piece of equipment required for the excision of large cranial (brain) tumors like gliomas, CP Angle, Posterior fossa lesions and some meningiomas used in the Neurosurgery Department.
4. Intraoperative Ultrasound system from Mindray for accessing delicate veins in small babies and to scan the tumors intraoperatively in Neurosurgery Department.
5. Mobile DR X-Ray system to take bedside X-rays in the Intensive Care Units.
6. Orthopantomogram (OPG) machine for the Dental department to give a complete diagnostic image of a person’s teeth.
7. Ride-on scrubber dryer from Roots India for cleaning vast corridors.
8. ETO sterilizer for sterilizing critical instruments used in Operating rooms.
The Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust places yet another humble offering at the Divine Lotus Feet of Swami, praying for guidance in all their endeavours in furtherance of the noble divine mission of serving humanity.