We tend to pursue the world and what it offers in the name of success. What is it that we all must truly aspire for? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.
You may have accumulated riches, acquired deep scholarship and achieved health and strength. But, unless you have gained a vision of the Supreme Sovereign, and an aspiration to be ever in the ecstasy of that vision, all that has been garnered by you is mere lumber.
The Kauravas had superior financial and military resources. They approached Krishna, the Incarnation of the Lord, for help; but, they were content to receive from Him a large army and a huge quantity of hardware.
The Pandavas sought from Him only His Grace! The Lord agreed; He came over to their side, alone and unarmed! He held just a whip and drove the reins of Arjuna’s chariot! That was all; but, that was all that was needed for victory. The Kauravas were defeated to the uttermost; the Pandavas won the empire and eternal fame. If God is on your side, you have the world in your hold.
– Divine Discourse, Jul 08, 1968.