Good Bye Sai Brother Vishwaram

by sssgc-srilanka
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Sai Bro Vishwaram

Aum Sri Sai Ram
Sai Bro Vishwaram, Coordinator Central Region-National Council, Sri Sathya Sai Overseas Organization, Global Council Sri Lanka, after a brief illness, left his mortal body in the early hours of the morning of July 31, 2023.


Sai Bro Vishwaram, Coordinator Central Region-National Council, Sri Sathya Sai Overseas Organization, Global Council Sri Lanka, after a brief illness, left his mortal body in the early hours of the morning of July 31, 2023.His mission and vision in the Sai Organization were Seva and sadhana, as prescribed by Bhagavan. He served with faith, commitment, and bhakti, from Bal Vikas to the elders, irrespective of any differences in caste, creed, or religion.
Swamy says “Feeding food to the needy” is the best Sadhana and Seva. Bro. Vishwaram lived up to that in such a way that he and his team organized lunch every weekend for poor children in large numbers. This was his pet project, and he strived so much to accomplish it.

Besides, he looked after the needy in the estate population with the provision of dry rations, whilst he rose to situations of inclement weather conditions to support the afflicted. He is a model for indefatigable Seva efforts in which he personally participated without concern for his age or ailments, climbing mountains reaching up to the destitute.
Swamy was very happy with his service and that Bro. Vishwaram was able to visit Parthy for Guru Poornima and the Center Leader’s Conference a few weeks before, as his last visit, but it is certain that he is enjoying the everlasting Bliss at the Lotus Feet of our Bhagavan.
Sri Sathya Sai Overseas Organization Sri Lanka
Affiliated to Global Council Prasanthi Nilayam Puttaparthy.
Jai Sai Ram

Funeral will take place on the 02rd of August 2023
Hindu rituals will commence at 5pm and cremation will be taking place at 6.30 pm in Badulla on the same day.

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